Wednesday, November 08, 2006

Grant My Appetite!

Dextor thanked me over msn for the XXL Lolli's!
haha So polite-I like-Okay. Listen up, he's 12.
It's funny that we can talk man. Not that I sound and think like a 12 year old, but he reminds me of the good old days.
Like TMNT(Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles) is the absolute coolest cartoon you must watch and own the individual turtles man! hahaha.
And all the crash dummies that "died"! hahaha.
Oh Which reminds me-I did TMNT for my school assignment using adobe illustrator. Apparently, I intended to post it here but it's 16-bit or smth
(colour scheme on blogspot) so the visual turned out to look like shit here as gif file. Well, just too bad I guess.
Anyway, I'm super hungry gotta order from this online that clay introduced
haha the delivery rate's as low as $2!
That's all for now folks!

P.S: Desmond took these series of pictures of me while we were webcaming!

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